Day 54. Figuring out the patterns

Today I achieved the speed I was going towards to (8th notes at 150 bpm) for both all 1234 combinations and scales. And there is another major difference: I decided to practice while sitting down, which led to some inconvenience as I got used to play everything standing up.

1234 exercise

Nothing special here today – I just increased the speed by 10 bpm.

2341 on the 5th fret

8th notes @ 150 bpm.

2413 on the 5th fret

8th notes @ 150 bpm.

2431 on the 5th fret

8th notes @ 150 bpm.

34 on the 5th fret

8th notes @ 100 bpm.

12-13-14-23-24-34 on the 5th fret

8th notes @ 150 bpm.


Dexterity exercises were as usual. I increased the speed and got to the one I wanted to get to – 150 bpm. There is something more interesting…

Today I figured out some patterns in the circle of fifths which helped me with flats / sharps decision while naming the notes for a specific key. I noticed that E A D G B which are the notes for the open strings in the standard guitar tuning have sharps in their major scales. C has no sharps or flats at all. F#/Gb is a special one with a choice. Other keys are with flats. It appeared to be very useful!

For the minor scales there is no such clean pattern, but I can still count 3 frets up and see whether in the corresponding major scale there are flats or sharps. I’m glad I noticed that. So even without looking at the circle of fifths I learned how to determine these things pretty quickly.

Major scales

8th notes @ 150 bpm.

Pronouncing notes [Fretboard knowledge].

Minor scales

8th notes @ 150 bpm.

Pronouncing notes [Fretboard knowledge].


Today I listened to over 200 guitar riffs on the YouTube in order to find what I might be wanted to learn. I picked up nearly 10-15 of them which I know but not sure if I really want to learn how to play them.


2341 – 5th fret – 150 bpm – 8th notes – 3 min
2413 – 5th fret – 150 bpm – 8th notes – 3 min
2431 – 5th fret – 150 bpm – 8th notes – 3 min
34 – 5th fret – 100 bpm – 8th notes – 3 min
12-13-14-23-24-34 – 5th fret – 150 bpm – 8th notes – 3 min

Major scales – 1-12 frets – EADG strings – 150 bpm – 8th notes
Major scales – 1-12 frets – Pronouncing notes – 6:56
Minor scales – 1-12 frets – EA strings – 150 bpm – 8th notes
Minor scales – 1-12 frets – Pronouncing notes – 6:28

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