Today I played 1*** finger variations for the last time for now in order to start practicing 2*** ones. Also my fretboard knowledge was checked once again. Besides I implemented palm muting and thumb snares playing Demons by Imagine Dragons.
1234 exercise
I wasn’t in great shape today so I’m gonna use yesterday’s videos for the week summary.
1234 on the 1-12 frets
16th notes at 90 bpm.
1243 on the 1-12 frets
8th notes at 150 bpm.
1324 on the 1-12 frets
8th notes at 150 bpm.
1342 on the 1-12 frets
8th notes at 150 bpm.
1423 on the 1-12 frets
8th notes at 150 bpm.
1432 on the 1-12 frets
8th notes at 150 bpm.
12-13-14-23-24-34 on the 5th fret
8th notes at 120 bpm.
Fretboard knowledge
Finally I got back to this exercise. As before – here is my first attempt. Finished in 1:55.
Off-camera I managed to do it in 1:32 and it was my best attempt yet. Unfortunately I couldn’t repeat that result on camera. So there is my 1:39 attempt.
Imagine Dragons – Demons
I implemented thumb snare in verses and palm muting in pre-choruses. It was fun. Maybe one day I’ll be able to sing along, but at this point my singing is completely awful…
Finally the cover is done so are 1*** combinations. Tomorrow there will be many new exercises which I’m really excited about.