Well… Today I was busy from 9 a.m. to basically 11 p.m. answering clients. So I decided to put at least some effort in guitar practicing. So I stayed just with 1234s. And luckily I did ear training the night before so it counts as well 🙂
Also I wasn’t plugged in and didn’t see the point of lightning setup for just a few minutes, so the quality of videos is not great as well. But there are videos today which is more important than everything else.
1234 exercise
3124 on the 5th fret
8th notes @ 120 bpm
3142 on the 5th fret
8th notes @ 120 bpm
3214 on the 5th fret
8th notes @ 120 bpm. The hardest one of these three. I always tend to play the wrong string with my pinky in order to get ready to play the next string with my ring finger after that.
Ear training
I got to the Perfect 4th again. Still can’t decently differ Major 2nd, Minor 3rd and Major 3rd from each other though…

Tomorrow and Sunday won’t be less busier on the client front so guess I’ll stick with 1234s for these days and see how it goes.
3124 – 5th fret – 120 bpm – 8th notes – 3 min
3142 – 5th fret – 120 bpm – 8th notes – 3 min
3214 – 5th fret – 120 bpm – 8th notes – 3 min