Today I started practicing new combinations of 1234s, increased the speed in of other exercises and finally found the time to practice scales with notes pronunciation.
1234 exercises
Newly added combinations were fun but tricky as well as 2314 was 🙂
2341 on the 5th fret
8th notes @ 110 bpm.
2413 on the 5th fret
8th notes @ 110 bpm.
2431 on the 5th fret
8th notes @ 110 bpm.
34 on the 5th fret
Quarter notes @ 110 bpm.
12-13-14-23-24-34 on the 5th fret
8th notes @ 130 bpm.
Major scales
8th notes @ 130 bpm.
Pronouncing notes [Fretboard knowledge].
Minor scales
8th notes @ 130 bpm.
Pronouncing notes [Fretboard knowledge].
Ear training
